Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

About Honolulu - Hawai'i

To Honolulu - Hawai'i (USA)
By: Mohammad Mona Adha

Delta Airlines aircraft that took me to Honolulu finally arrived at 07: 00 a.m. local time (Honolulu). Felt once from now on out of plane to immigration, that I have been in one of the area's in the United States of America, namely, Honolulu. Despite feeling somewhat tired due to flight far enough, but feeling tired was lost instantly by the time I arrived at Honolulu International Airport. Welcome to Honolulu... During the trip from the airport to the University of Hawai'i at Manoa for approximately 40 minutes, I didn't miss a chance to see right and left me over on the bus. Understandably this caused my first ever to Honolulu, so this is a chance for me to see directly, in terms of structuring cities, highways, residential facilities, modern buildings, and the environment is very beautiful and very clean.

The climate is cool and very beautiful surroundings with tall buildings arranged neatly plus modern architecture, as one of the world's tourism destinations/international, Hawai'i will give the impression that will never be forgotten. Starting from transport links make it easy, excellent security, comfort residential/hotel, other types of food such as Chinese, Korea, Japan, Thailand and others, the price is very affordable for a souvenir gift shop, the city is very clean, and the natural scenery and beautiful beaches, this is very interesting while we visit Honolulu. The bus routes are available for each course will be very helpful when we were about to travel to a place. Let's say we want to go to Alamoana Center, China Town, Wallmart, University of Hawai'i, Waikiki Beach, and certainly much more interesting places to visit while we were at Hawai'i. With a price of about $ 2.5 (round trip) we've been able to go to the place we want. Buses in Hawai'i is very clean which is equipped with air conditioning and CCTV. Every time I want to use the bus to get to a place, here I see all passengers with the very orderly once when going into the bus.