Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

Development of Lesson Plan that Integrate Pancasila Values and Its Influences Toward Students’ Learning Motivation

Umi Chotimah
University of Sriwijaya (South of Sumatera - Indonesia)
as Presenter in ITEC (International Teacher Education Conference) July 2013
at University of Lampung (Unila)


The problem of this study is how does the design of lesson plan that integrate of Pancasila values and its influences toward students’ motivation in Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn) subject. The method of this study is Research and Development (R&D). The research were involve three PKn teachers in State Junior High School (SMP Negeri), 110 students of SMP Negeri, five experts as validators instruments. The data collection techniques are questionaire, likert scale, test, observation, walkthrough. While the data analysis techniques in this study are statistic analysis (pair sample t-test and multivariat analysis or mancova for quantitative data, and descriptive qualitative for qualitative data. As the results is RPPMNP lesson plan i.e a lesson plan that integrate Pancasila values in all its components of lesson plan; starting from determining competence achievement indicator, learning objectives, integrating values, learning model and method, learning material, learning activities steps, learning media and evaluation instruments. By applying RPPMNP lesson plan that integrate the values of Pancasila can influence towards students' learning motivation i.e attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction. By applying RPPMNP, can decrease monotonous and learning process become interesting, finally it triggered the PKn curriculum objective attainment,

Keywords : Lesson plan that integrate of Pancasila values, PKn subject, Research and Development, RPPMNP, students’ learning motivation.

Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn) or Civics Education is one of school subjects which specifies on developing students values, characters, and attitudes. In reality PKn is an education which aims to form good and responsible citizens who hold fast to Pancasila values as nation basic principles. In other word, PKn is Pancasila in practice. Epistemologically, Pancasila education is considered as an integrated knowledge system (Hartonian: 1996, Winataputra: 2001) which mission is to develop learners’ competences so that they will have civic intelligence, civic participation, and civic responsibility in the context of Indonesia character and civilization based on Pancasila (Winataputra, 2001, 2006).
PKn directs attention on moral to be implemented on daily life. The behaviors exude faith and devotion to God the almighty. In a nation which consists of society with various religions and cultures, Pancasila values are urgently needed. Besides the vision and mission carried out by PKn subject, PKn is also important as it is one of the compulsory subjects since elementary until university. Nation and character building has been set since 1957 curriculum in Tatanegara subject. In 1962 curriculum in Civic subject, in 1968 curriculum 1968 in Kewarganegaran subject, in 1975 curriculum in Pkn subject and in 1984 curriculum Pkn changed its name into PMP, and in 1994 it became PPkn. In 2004 curriculum implemented was Pkn curriculum, and nowday curriculum implemented is curriculum 2006 or KTSP named PKn (Winataputra, 2001).
Despite of its changing, the curriculum orientation is still fixed at values. Ahmadi and Syam ( 2006) stated that the core of PKn subject in Indonesia is Pancasila. In other words, philosophically and substantive pedagogically, PKn is a subject which intends to develop students’ personal characteristic to become Indonesian citizen who are civilized, possessed spirit of unity, democratic and responsible, and fair. (Balitbang, Depdiknas, 2007)
In practice, PKn teachers only teach the basic concept and those concepts are rote materials. In fact, the main orientation should be an education of Pancasila moral and value development, civic skill, civic participation, and civic responsibility (Winataputra, 2001). Some studies showed that teachers, in the teaching learning process, tend to teach the knowledge of Pancasila only and the learning process is kind of score or result oriented. Besides, the teaching circumstances are not about developing students’ attitude. Thus, the objective of Pancasila Moral Development (PMP) is not totally obtained. This goal is not successful because there are only 2.85% answers that show positive attitude; behaviors which are in line with Pancasila moral values. 1.78% students’ responses tend to negative attitude; behaviors which are not in line with Pancasila moral value. This is also supported by some studies that show PMP teaching learning process has not reached its goal yet. Instead of developing and guiding the learners to internalize and apply Pancasila values in daily life, teacher only teach the learners knowledge of Pancasila. Teachers supposes to guide and give model of internalizing and applying Pancasila moral values (Sunarno, 1992, Djuwita 1993, Kadarusmadi, 1997)
The problems above also happen to PKn subject in KTSP curriculum (2006). Based on the researcher observation on PKn peer teaching in PLPG (2006-2011), the researcher conclude that the teaching of PKn is still about teaching the students Pancasila knowledge. The lesson plans prepared by the teachers also showed that lessons to be carried out in the class room do not integrate Pancasila in it. First of all, the goal set by the teachers reach the cognitive level only. Whereas, the lesson objectives should reach the affective goal, as it is stated that the objectives of PKn subject that are critical, rationalistic, rational and creative thinking in facing civilization issues. Then, involved actively, full of responsible, and act smart in society, anti-corruption, etc. Secondly, the teaching media used to stimulate cognitive domain only, the media should trigger the learners to be skilful and appreciate the process of learning and of course the main goal is not merely about scores.
From teaching and learning methodology point of view, most of the teachers prefer to use lecturing method combined with question and answer sessions. Whereas, the Pkn curriculum demands the teachers to use teaching methods which direct students to have critical thinking about values, for example values explanation, analysis, and etc. This is line with what Budimansyah (2008, 2010) stated that there are many obstacles in the  teaching of PKn subject, one of them are the learning process are directed to intelectual improvement, thus, the sucsess of of teaching learning process is based on intelectual criteria. In brief, there is a gap between curriculum implementation and curriculu as documentation and this is the reason why the goal of the curriculum has not been obtained effectively.
Another research showed that the process of KTSP development for PKn teachers faces many problems; limited time in syllabus and lesson plan development, and lack of socialization and training on KTSP development (Pujatama, 2010). Besides, old form of lesson plans are stil used by many schools and this an indication the teachers have not explored, elaborated, and confirmed the latest trend and finally the what are taught are not relevant with what are expected to be mastered by the students (Alfianto, 2011).
One of the solutions to solve these problems is to design the learning process well, the learning design must represent the goal of the curriculum, a good preparation called into effective learning. one of the preparation must be done by teachers is designing lesson plans. A lesson plan is considered good when it has clearly stated and instructed. As what Wong (2009) state that the greater the structure of a lesson and the more precise the directions on what is to be accomplished, the higher the achievement rate. In addition, Duff (2011) said that a good lesson plan contains objective of the lesson, pre assessment, list of teaching learning media, pre teaching and supplementary activities, presentation, practice, assessment, closing and application.
Learning demands a complex process, it starts with how the teachers interpret the curriculum and elaborate them clearly and appropriately in the lesson plan to achieve the objectives. Planning the learning starts from curriculum, syllabus, and daily lesson plan. However, those three are different in scope. Curriculum is general concept which involves complex and comprehensive from philosophy, social and education program point of view and syllabus is part of the curriculum which are the centre of material to be taught. While lesson plan is a short term detail written plan of teaching process in one subject (Price & Nelson, 2007, Mishra, 2007).
Lesson plan is one of the most important steps and its teachers’ responsibility as the learning process executor in the classroom. Planning the lesson is a matter of ‘what is’ and ‘what it should be’ and they should be about need, objective determination, the significant of the program, and resources allocation. A well prepared lesson plans make the teaching objective obtained successfully.
Motivation is the desire of the individual to do something to achieve. motivation means encouragement or requirements lead to an action. Motivation also involves a process that provides the power and direction of the behavior of a (Sternberg (2001). Motivation is also closely linked with the desire to achieve excellence in all the efforts (and Zuraida Zaaba Mohamed Haji Ismail, 2004). If a student is motivated to study hard to get good results then the student is a motivated student. Some of these features is that they are highly motivated students always want to go to school early, like the library, enjoy reading, love learning and consider the examination as a challenge. Therefore, it is very important for all parties involved with education, especially the school plan and implement a variety of measures to increase student interest and motivation. The school should provide a positive school climate to stimulate students' motivation to produce effective learning patterns. This is because the school climate is an important factor in determining the quality of learning for students in the school to determine the effectiveness of a school.
There are many theories about motivation, among ARCS theory, Volition / will, Freuds theory, theory Behavoral. Schunk, Pintrich, Meece (2011,18-39) cites among others the motivation theory violition/will, behavioristic, drive theory, Mowrers theory arousal theory, and others. In this study, reseacher using ARCS theory. In this study the theory of motivation that will be used is the motivation theory of Keller and Kopp (1987), because this study concerns with respect to the impact of the adoption RPPMNP problem of motivation of the students of this theory with respect to performance and motivation problems result.
The motivation theory presented by Keller and Kopp (1987). This theory as the answer answers the question of how to design learning that can influence achievement motivation and learning outcomes. This learning model is developed based on the theory of value expectations (expectancy value theory) which contains two components: the value (value) of the objectives to be achieved and expectations (expectancy) to achieve that goal. Of the two components by Keller developed into four parts. The fourth component of the learning models are attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction with the acronym ARCS (Keller and Kopp, 1987). The fourth component is as i component ARCS Learning Strategy and Implementation as follows Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction.
Models ARCS is a famous model viewed in the direction of the design model is widely used. ARCS model rooted in a lot of motivation theories and concepts, especially the theory of expected-value or expectancy-value (eg, Vroom, 1964, Porter and Lawler, 1968). In expectancy theory, is identified as the main outcomes that can be measured. That "efforts can happen", two prerequisites must be set (1) The person must value the task, and (2) the person must believe he can succeed at the task. Therefore, in situations Directive, the learning task to be presented in a way that is engaging and meaningful to students, and to promote positive expectations for the successful achievement of learning objectives. ARCS model in the design of a simple command is the approach used to increase motivation in direction of pull. ARCS provides a framework for both the design and improve the motivation of the various entities such as classroom teaching, preparation of material on the internet, and teaching and learning materials.
ARCS models identify four key components of the strategy to motivate.Fisrty, is A stands for Attention is a strategy for stimulating and maintaining curiosity and interest. There are three components found in attention, perception of stimulation: provide novelty, surprise, ketakkongruenan (incongruity) or uncertainty. The teacher shows an incomplete picture or an enclosed and adorned with question marks to students. Stimulation Inquiry: stimulasikan curiosity to ask questions or problems to be solved. The teacher presents a scenario of problem situation and asks students melukan brainstorming ideas (brainstorm) possible solutions based on what they have learned in class, third is diversity, means incorporate a range of methods and media to meet the requirements of different students . Example: After deliver and examine the contents of the syllabus at the OHP, the students carry out discussions and exercises.
Secondly, is R stands for Relevance is used as a strategy to link the needs, interests and motives. There are three components according to the Relevance of Keller, which means the goal orientation of the objectives and purpose of the instruction and specific methods for successful achievement. The teacher explains the objectives of the lesson. The second motive means of matching match objectives with the needs and motives. The teacher allows students to present their projects in writing, or orally to adjust the learning styles and needs vary among students, a third of the norm means delivering content in ways that are understandable and 'experience and values. Example: Students are asked to give examples of relevant experience yourself with the concept that has been received in the classroom.
Thirdly is C stands for Confidence is a strategy to help students develop a positive expectation for successful achievement. There are three components in modal Confidence, which is a prerequisite of learning: inform students about learning and performance and assessment criteria, misalny teacher provides students with a list of assessment criteria assigned research projects. In addition, also circulated good examples of past projects. Second is the opportunity successful means teachers provide challenging and meaningful opportunities for successful learning. For example, before starting a research project, giving teachers the opportunity to practice pelajara for extracting and summarizing information from various sources. Effort students are given feedback that students feel confident about the task will be done. The third component is the accountability self, means link learning success to personal effort and ability of students. For example, the teacher written feedback on the quality of students' performance and recommend the dedication and commitment of students.
Last is S stands for Satisfaction is a strategy to provide extrinsic and intrinsic reinforcement (Keller, 1983). In this satisfaction component, Keller split it up into three, namely strengthening the intrinsic, means to support and promote the intrinsic enjoyment of the learning experience. For example, the teacher invites former students to provide testimonials on the skills learned in homework and class projects. Second is Extrinsic Rewards, which give positive reinforcement and motivational feedback. For example, teacher awards certificates to students apbila student has mastered a complete set of skills. The third is equity, which ensure consistent standards and consequences for success. For example, after the completion of the project, the teacher provides feedback based on the criteria that have been circulated in advance.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher would like to design a lesson plan that integrate Pancasila values (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran yang Mengintegrasikan Nilai-nilai Pancasila, called RPPMNP) especially for PKn subject so that it help PKn teachers to reach the lesson goal stated in the curriculum; as a media of nation and character building and citizen empowerment. The main problem of the research is how does the design of lesson plan model that integrate Pancasila values and its influences toward students’ motivation? Specific problems are :
  1. How does the design of lesson plan model that integrate Pancasila values?
  2. How does RPPMNP influence to attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction of students’ learning motivation?
Relevance to the specific problems in this study, the aims of this study are :
  1. to create a the design of lesson plan that integrate Pancasila values.
  2. to know students learning motivation (attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction) by implementing RPPMNP.
Hypothesis null of this study are :
  1. Ho (1): There is no significant distinction scores mean of pre-test among students who taught using RPPMNP.
  2. Ho (2): There is no significant distinction scores mean of pre-test among students who taught using RPPSA.
  3. Ho (3.1): There is no significant distinction scores mean attention among students who are taught using RPPMNP and RPPSA.
  4. Ho (3.2): There is no significant distinction scores mean relevance among students who are taught using RPPMNP and RPPSA.
  5. Ho (3.3): There is no significant distinction scores mean confidence among students who are taught using RPPMNP and RPPSA.
  6. Ho (3.4): There is no significant distinction scores mean satisfaction among students who are taught using RPPMNP and RPPSA.
This study employed Research and Development (R&D) method by Borg and Gall (2002) that consist of ten steps, such as: research and information collecting, planning a develop preliminary, form of product preliminary, field testing revision, main field testing, operational field testing, operational field testing, final product revision, dissemination and implementation. In this study, the researcher simplified the those ten steps into three steps, such as 1. Initial investigation, 2. Development, 3. Evaluation.
This study involved three secondary school PKn teachers; one of them is a teacher of a school where using lesson plan that integrating Pancasila values, its called Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Yang Mengintegrasikan Nilai-nilai Pancasila (RPPMNP) limited test conducted (SMPN A Palembang), a teacher of a school where RPPMNP extensive test conducted (SMPN B Palembang) and a PKn teacher of a school that utilize ready-used lesson plans (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Sedia Ada), its called RPPSA (in SMPN C Palembang).
This research involved twelve PKn teachers from six secondary schools in Palembang, 3 PKn teachers as teachers model, 110 students population from two SMPN (SMPN A, B and SMPN C Palembang), five experts as validators, i.e expert in PKn subject (2 validators), values education (one validator), learning tools dan language (one validator), education technology (one validator). The data collection techniques are questionaire, likert scale, test, observation, walkthrough. While the data analysis techniques in this study are statistic analysis (pair sample t-test and multivariat analysis or mancova) for quantitative data, and descriptive qualitative for qualitative data.


The data in each phase discussed below. The following description aims to give a clear picture of research questions. The descriptions are presented in three parts; initial investigation, development and model trial/evaluation, and model effectiveness trial.

Phase 1: Initial Investigation

This phase was intended to identify and analyze PKn learning condition at secondary schools that is before applying RPPMNP. It took a quite long time for the researcher to analyze Lesson Plans used by PKn teachers (2008), and the researcher distributed questionnaires to collect the data in 2011. Besides analyzing documents of existed PKn lesson plans, the researcher also used questionnaires and observation of PKn learning situation in six secondary schools in Palembang. Twelve PKn teachers of those six schools took part in this study. Those six schools are accredited A. The documentation data analysis on lesson plans showed that some irrelevances among its components, for example the irrelevance between teaching media and lesson objectives, competence indicator achievement and lesson objectives were not in line, and evaluation instrument level of difficulties were made not in order (easy-difficult).
Having investigated and reviewed the initial model design of existing lesson plan, the researcher designed RPPMNP. The next step was validating the initial model, in order to evaluate the feasibility of the model. The validator involved in this study are five validators who expert in PKn subject (two validators), values education (one validator), learning tools dan language (one validator), education technology (one validator). two PKn teachers of secondary schools were asked to apply RPPMNP. The result of model review produce RPPMNP model to be developed in limited try out process.

Phase 2: Development and Model Try Out

The result of model development and try out and information about PKn teaching learning process that applied RPPMNP will be presented below :
  • Competences Standard (SK).
  • Basic Standard (KD)
  • Integrated Pancasila Values : basic values of Pancasila i.e religius values, human values, the values of unity, democratic values and the values of justice).
  • Competence Achievement Indicators : indicators of students achievment i.e elaboration of SK and KD have been adjusted to integrated Pancasila values.
  • Learning Objectives : the formulation of lesson objectives that adjusted to SK, KD and competence achievement indicator. In this study, the researcher emphasis more on affective domain, however the objectives of cognitive domain were still remained.
  • Learning Materials : are content materials that relevance to learning objectives and competence achievement indicators.
  • Learning Model and Method : VCT, the technique used were values analysis (either analysis through cases or pictures), jurisprudence inquiry, and report .
  • Learning Steps : learning steps that reflection of learning VCT model application (values analysis either analysis through cases or pictures, jurisprudence inquiry, and report).
  • Learning Media and Resources: visual and audio visual media i.e pictures, students’ work sheet, documentary film that contents values cases.
  • Evaluation Instruments : test and non test that values cases.
Limited Try out Implementation

The initial draft was then validated by five experts, to complete this process, a limited try out was conducted. Try out was conducted in one class of seven grade secondary school in Palembang, there were 35 students. There were six treatments in six meetings, and there were six set of RPPMNP which have been validated. The validation was done by PKn teachers as empiric validators. It will be presented from the first meeting until the sixth meeting.
Lesson plans identity components consisted of name of education units, name of schools, subjects, class, semester, time, meeting, and teachers’ name. Since all the components were included in the RPPMNP, the validators gave score 5 (very good). Besides, the validators also scored the content part. Next component was Integrated Pancasila values, it has to be in line with SK, KD and school aged characteristic (secondary school). In this context, the RPPMNP has covered all the components, thus, the validators gave score 5 (very good). Based on the evaluation towards all components of RPPMNP, they were very good and have covered all criteria.
Having analyzed the comments and suggestion given by teacher after carrying out teaching learning process which implemented RPPMNP and observation, the researcher concluded that RPPMNP could increase students’ motivation (attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction). It can be seen from students’ enthusiasm in every meeting, they follow the lesson attentively and when were asked to present discussion result in front of the class, either cases or pictures (based on worksheet used), all students were enthusiastic. In some cases, those who didn’t get the turn to present their result discussion felt so disappointed. It is not exaggerating, based on the data and observation, to say that teachers’ motivation also increased. They started the class on time, they became more cheerful, and involved and facilitated students’ discussion willingly.
Some comments and suggestions were gained during limited try out of RPPMNP models, thus, revision were done to RPPMNP. The revision resulted in a better final model of RPPMNP in the context of effectiveness and efficiency. The revision, basically, did not make any change in the form. It used the old form; lesson identity which covers, education units, class, semester, skills program, subjects or topic of the lesson, learning materials, and learning model and method, learning activities which consist of pre-activities, main activities which include exploration, elaboration, and confirmation, and closing activities. Next components are learning media and learning resources, the last components is evaluation; form (test or non test), type (written, oral, performing, etc), and evaluation procedures, evaluation instruments, key answers and scoring systems, and observation sheets.
Having revised the RPPMNP, the researcher conducted wider try out the final model of RPPMNP in SMPN B Palembang. Teaching learning process was scored by rating the learning activities items (check mark was given based on the rate). The scores range from 1 to 5, number 1 means poor, number 2 means not good, number 3 means fair, number 4 means good, and number 5 means very good. The next evaluation was focused on indicator/activities observed and appeared in the learning process.
Based on the observation on learning process that implemented RPPMNP, it can be concluded that some problems occurred in learning process. Below are some activities which considered did not run smoothly: time efficient management, final evaluation, motivating the students, triggering students to involve actively, reinforcement, giving positive, giving follow up activities (assignment, homework, advice) Besides the problems, some positive scores also occurred in the learning process. Most activities in the third, forth, meetings were considered good. Based on validation results which have been done six times, it can be concluded that RPPMNP components were already good. However, there were some noticed from teachers, such as nation symbol should be placed above the title and the notice should be on the left side.

Phase 3: Model Evaluation

In his step final model of RPPMNP was analyzed in the term of quality and efficiency through experimental study. The experiment was done by comparing between PKn learning process which applied RPPMNP (experiment class) and which did not (control class). Students’ motivation were to be compared in this experimental study (bound variable). One of the schools in Palembang where final model try out conducted was SMPN C Palembang. As it has been mentioned, the learning process in SMPN C Palembang did not implement RPPMNP, but RPPSA.
First of all, the students of experiment and control classes were given motivation questionnaire, and then the questionnaire result was compared to see the significance level in students’ motivation. Based on motivation ARCS motivation test between class VII-1 in SMPN B Palembang as an experimental class which implemented RPPMNP and class VII-1 in SMPN C Palembang as controlled class which implemend existing lesson plan/RPPSA). The result of average score of pre test and post test from each class, then it was processed by using SPSS 21 and the result showed that it has normal and homogenous distribution.
Due to its normal and homogenous distribution using a coefficient variance test obtained by standard deviation/mean x 100%. Data is said to be normal when the coefficient of variance was <30%. Having done the above calculations on the output obtained koefien variance = 13.111/184.89 x 100% = 7:09% up on inferred data are normally distributed. Besides this, reseacher do normality test data using skewness ratio, the distribution is said to be normal when skewness ratio is in the range of -2 to 2. is to calculate the ratio of skewness/standard error skewness. In this study based on known output = -.477/.398 = -1.1984. Data can be summed up in this study had a normal distribution. Normality test data using kurtosis ratio. is equal to the ratio of skewness when in the range of -2 and 2. Kurtosis/standard error kurtosis. In this study were obtained - .643 / .778 = 0.055. The normality test data from the Q-Q plot is shown below. Data can be summed up in this study had a normal distribution.

The following, researcher describes the results of each hypothesis. For the first and second hypothesis, researchers using T test, whereas for the third until the sixth hypothesis, researchers using multi variate analysis or manova.
First of Ho (1) stated that : Ho (1): There is no significant distinction scores mean of pre-test among students who taught using RPPMNP. From the result of SPSS version 21 describes that the difference between the mean scores of pre test and post test of the group of students who were taught by using RPPMNP is 149.37 to 172.20 = -22.829. T-test to test Ho: ÎĽ ≥ ÎĽ pre-test post-test, t = -13.584 give the degrees of freedom = n-1 = 35-1 = 34. SPSS output gives the p-value for the test sides (2-tailed) = .000, p-value for 2-tailed value is smaller than α = .05, so it is strong evidence reject Ho (no significant difference between the scores the mean pre-test to post-test mean scores between students who were taught using RPPMNP), this means that there is a significant difference between the pre-test mean score of the post-test mean scores of the students taught using RPPMNP.
The following description was for the second Ho (2) : there is no significant distinction scores mean of pre-test among students who taught using RPPSA. From the result of SPSS version 21 describes that difference between the mean scores of pre test and post test of the group of students who were taught by using RPPSA is 118.06 to 118.60 = -, 543. T-test to test Ho: ÎĽ ≥ ÎĽ pre-test post-test, t = -1.651 give the degrees of freedom = n-1 = 35-1 = 34. SPSS output gives the p-value for the test sides (2-tailed) = .108, p-value for 2-tailed value is greater than α = .05, so this means strong evidence received Ho (no significant difference between pre-test mean score of the post-test mean scores between students who were taught using RPPSA), this means that there is no significant difference between the pre-test mean score of the post-test mean scores of the students taught using RPPSA.
Following description, describes about test of the third until sixth hypothesis by using multivariat analysis (mancova). From table of descriptives statistics showed that from score attention higher than relevance, confidence and satisfaction. From Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matricesa showed that tests the null hypothesis that the observed covariance matrices of the dependent variables are equal across groups.
Before the mancova test done, test the normality assumption variable curve sketch done with a normal distribution of the dependent variable. Assumptions about the continuity between the dependent variable with covariates for each treatment group performed using the scatterplot and person product moment correlation, test of slope homogeneity varians assumption between the dependent variable regression with covariates done using the Levene test. From the table levene test shows the results of a test that is Levene homogeneity test. Almost all variables have the same variance when the sig. >0,05.From Box’s table desribed that significance value of the Box-M test statistic is less than 5%, so test the null hyphotesis that the observed covarians matrice of the dependent variables are equal across groups.
Based on the calculation by using SPSS version 21 showed that score mean at p value <.05 of attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction between students of experimental class that taught by RPPMNP and students of control group students that taught by RPPSA was better i.e RPPMNP = 50.86, RPPSA = 34.69 for attention component, RPPMNP = 50.49, RPPSA = 33.89 for relevance component, RPPMNP = 44.83, RPPSA = 30.71 for confidence component and RPPMNP = 46.43, RPPSA =29.91 for satisfaction component.
Based on table Test of Between-Subjects Effects of mancova calculation of each dependent variable that is attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction showed significant value .000 or it means that significance value <.05. The conclusion is RPP application significantly affects the attention score p value .000 which means H0 is rejected or H1 is acceptable, this means that there is significant distinction mean scores between students who are taught by using RPPMNP and RPPSA.
  • RPP application significantly affects the attention score p value .000 which means H0 is rejected or H1 is acceptable this means that there is significant distinction mean scores in attention between students who are taught using RPPMNP and RPPSA
  • RPP application significantly affects the attention score p value .000 which means H0 is rejected or H1 is acceptable this means that there is significant distinction mean scores in relevance between students who are taught using RPPMNP and RPPSA.
  • RPP application significantly affects the attention score p value .000 which means H0 is rejected or H1 is acceptable this means that there is significant distinction mean scores in confidence between students who are taught using RPPMNP and RPPSA.
  • RPP application significantly affects the attention score p value .000 which means H0 is rejected or H1 is acceptable this means that there is significant distinction mean scores in satisfaction between students who are taught using RPPMNP and RPPSA.
    1. The design is RPPMNP lesson plan i.e a lesson plan that integrate Pancasila values in all its components of lesson plan; starting from determining competence achievement indicator, learning objectives, integrating values, learning model and method, learning material, learning activities steps, learning media and evaluation instrument.
    2. By applying RPPMNP lesson plan can influence towards students’ learning motivation (attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction), and can decrease monotonous and learning process become interesting, finally it triggered the PKn curriculum objective attainment.
    3. PKn teachers should be to design, create, and apply PKn lesson plan that integrate Pancasila values in every meeting. Instead of stating the values, they should be integrated from determining competence achievement indicator until deciding evaluation components. Hopefully, in the process of learning, the objective of PKn learning which emphasis more on affective domain (as stated in the curriculum) will be achieved.

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