Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Multicultural Menurut Gay Garland Reed

Multicultural Menurut Gay Garland Reed (UH)

According to Gay Garland Reed (Professor of Educational Foundations, College of Education, University of Hawaii):
Multicultural practitioners are sensitive to the patterns of prejudice and bias (based on social class, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, exceptionality, sexual orientation, and linguistic background) in curriculum, assessment, institutional structures, and human interactions that affect educational outcomes. They strive to correct these inequities by accommodating their curriculum, varying their pedagogical approaches, encouraging multiple perspectives, inviting critical thought, and engaging in regular self - reflection in order to create a more inclusive and socially just classroom.

(Leni Anggreini final assignment at East Weat Center, University of Hawai'i Manoa – Honolulu, December 2012)